
Die Zeitung "The News and Courier" aus Charleston berichtete am 24. Februar 1960
 von der Übernahme des Zerstörer 5 (ex USS Dyson) durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Die Dokumentation für diese Seite wurde freundlicherweise von
Feike Huismann (ehemals Maat Feike Huismann, 2. Division)
zur Verfügung gestellt. 


Sign Transfer Papers
Inspect Guard of Honor

Destroyer Dyson Transferred To Federal German Navy

News and Courier Staff Writer
In his first visit to Charleston
in 30 years, Rear Adm. Gerhard
Wagner, Deputy Chief of Staff,
Federal German Navy, yester-
day received for his government
the fifth United States destroyer
transferred in Charleston.
Adm. Wagner told the group
assembled on Pier "A" at the
U.S. Naval Shipyard yesterday
at 3 p.m. that he was here in
April, 1930 as cadet training of-
ficer aboard the German
cruiser Emden. The Emden´s
visit coincided with Charleston's
250th anniversary celebration.
Speaking for his government,
Wagner expressed gratitude to
the United States for assisting
the Germans to rebuild their
navy as part of the North Atlan-

tic Treaty Organization. He also
thanked the Charleston based
Navy officers and men and the
officials and citizens of Charles-
ton for the "hospitality and wel-
come" shown his men.
Preceding Adm. Wagner´s re-
marks and the commissioning
of the former destroyer USS
Dyson, U.S. Navy officials
and U.S. Rep. L. Mendel Rivers
reviewed the ship transfer pro-
gram and its benefits to the
cause of world peace and the
NATO stand against Commu-
Vice Adm. Goy A. GANO, com-
mander, Military Sea Transport
Service, was introduced as com-
mander of the Dyson when the
ship saw its first heavy action
in 1944. Also on hand from the

"old days" was a letter from
Adm. Arliegh (31 Knot) Burke,
who commanded the "Little
Beaver Squadron" (23) of which
Gano´s ship was a member in
the Solomon's Islands cam-
   Cmdr Albrecht Obermaier
will command the Zerstoerer 5.
   Rivers was credited with be-
ing the driving force behind the
current transfer program by both
the Germans and U.S. Navy
   The sixth and last ship is now
being arranged for transfer
here. All the vessels have been
through Charleston, with the
German republic paying about
$5 million in restoration coasts
per ship.

The United States flag was
lowered at the sleek destroyer's
stern as the German crew pre-
pared to go aboard. With the
crew aboard and the watch set,
the red, black and yellow ban-
ner of the Federal Republic of
Germany was raised and the
Zerstoerer 5 reported in com-
Rear Adm. K.M. McManes
and Adm. Wagner executed the
transfer certificates.
Speakers included Capt. C.T.
Mauro, Sixth Naval District,
Chief of Staff; Capt. R.B. Mad-
den, shipyard commander; Riv-
ers, Adm. McManes, Adm.
Wagner and Cmdr. Obermaier.
Also present for the ceremonies
was Capt. R. Wagener, Federal
German naval attaché in Wash-

nach oben/upwards