Am Rande notiert

Die Zeit vor der Übernahme von Zerstörer 5 durch die Bundesmarine war im wesentlichen ausgefüllt durch Ausbildung und Training der Erstbesatzung sowie deren Einweisung in das neue Schiff. Dennoch blieb Zeit, um Land und Leute kennen zu lernen. Unter vielen Aktivitäten sei hier auf eine hingewiesen, die als "Entwicklungshilfe" seitens der Besatzung in Sachen Fussball grosse Begeisterung hervorrief. Maat Feike Huismann (2. Division) als Initiator organisierte ein Fussballspiel zwischen der Besatzung und einem high school soccer  team in Richmond. Das Ergebnis liegt nicht vor und ist sicherlich ohne Bedeutung. Die Zeitung "The News and Courier" aus Charleston berichtete am 24. Februar 1960 über dieses Ereignis  durch einen humorvollen Artikel.

Coach Drews Confused
German Gobs Dig Soccer,
"Mit Knocken Und Butten"
News and Courier Sports Writer

   The scene of this imaginary
bit of dialogue is the James Is-
land athletic field, where the
high school Rams are practicing
their new found interest:soccer.
Coach Rupie Drews is on the
sidelines, doing the things
coaches of soccer teams do,
when a group of young men
dressed in blue naval uniforms
stroll up to where Drews
is standing:
   "Hello boys," greets Drews.
"Ever see soccer before ?"
"Ach, ja! Ich ben watchen
und ben playen since vas liddle
schmaltzer. Ich ben readen in
das newspaper about das kicken
und das gebutten und das run-
   "Ah, you read about out team
in the paper. Did you boys ever
play on a team?"
   "Himmel! Ben playen since
vas liddle schmaltzer mit team.
Ben playen mit der brothers
und der sisters since vas
   "Of course, it's the game in
your country - you are from Ger-
many I assume. But here, you
see, soccer is new to the kids.
They play football and baseball
   "Nein! Ich ben playen mit der
soccer club. Ich ben kicken und
ben runnen und ben gebutten.
Beisbol? Nein! Ben playen sc-
   "Oh, no! You misunderstood
me. I mean my kids, those Boys
out there on the field, they usu-
ally play baseball and foot-
ball ...."
   "Nein! Nein! Ich nicht ben
playen football. Ich nicht ben
playen beisball. Ich ben playen
mit der soccer club. Mein
Friends ben playen soccer, ben
knocken und ben butten ..."
   "Nein! ...Uh, No, I mean -
you don't understand me. I un-
derstand you ben playen ....
I mean I know you're soc-
cer players. Ich ben ... I've
been trying to introduce the
game to my youngsters here."
"Ja! Mit der kicken und der
clobberen und der schmash-
   "Well, we try to keep it re-
fined. Of course it does get
sort of rough at times. Wow
does the American brand of the
game compare with your own?"
  "Ach! Ben seeing less knock-
en und schramblen und
schmashen. Ich nicht ben liken
der togetherness."


(The little drama is all in
fun, with no disrespect intend-
ed for either the German people
or their brand of soccer, which,
no doubt, is superb. The story
was inspired by a letter which
a group of German sailors
actually did write to Drews
after learning about the James

Island High soccer activities.
Here it is:)

"Mr. James Island
Coach Rupert Drews
over The News and Courier
Richmond North Carol.

"Hallo Soccer-Club in Rich-
   "I am a german men. We
stand here in Charleston on the
Navy-School. We remain here
about two month and hope we
could to take up with you con-
nection. We have a good soc-
   "Now, when you want to play
towards our, then write me a
letter soon back.
   "I have read the story and
saw the pictures in the Newspaper,
so I came up this thought. Ex-
cuse mistakes, but I am not
long in the States.

           "Maat F. Huismann"


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